Deadly Boring Math
The Mostest Bestestest FOSS Math Journal on the Internet[citation needed]

Multivariable Exam 1 Review
by Tyler Clarke on 2025-2-18

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Deadly Boring Math

A collection of articles on a variety of mathematical topics, written by students, ranging from basic algebra to multivariable calculus.

Processed in a facility that also makes physics.

Most of the posts have been written in LibreOffice. The new site design (fancy Sitix templates!) interferes somethin' awful with them, so I'm moving them over by hand... ugh. All of the unupdated posts are listed below:

About the Author

Tyler Clarke is a web developer and a Physics student in the class of '26 at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

He started Deadly Boring Math as essentially a place to dump multivariable notes, and it grew into... a place to dump multivariable notes.

Ah well, ain't like I can get a refund on the domain name.